
New Moon Counseling Services Listed Below

New Moon Counseling Books

A few of my favorite books. I find simply reading these books a healing experience.

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Individual Psychotherapy

Individual therapy can help you figure out what’s dissatisfying to you in your life, what you are willing and able to change, how to go about it, and what life will be like when the changes are in place. I will help you get a good picture of how you want your life to be. We might be dealing with traumatic material, both in the present and from the past, so therapy can be very intense. However, it’s my job to make the therapy room a safe place to look at whatever it is that might be holding you back. It’s a place where you will be listened to and believed, guided and encouraged along your particular path of personal growth. I work primarily from a family systems approach, which means I will be looking at your family of origin and how the patterns and coping skills you and your family developed are playing out for you in a negative way. We typically begin with a conversation about what prompted you to seek therapy at this time in your life. I’ll listen, ask questions and begin to make connections. In the first session, I usually begin a genogram — a sort of family tree that allows me to get a picture of where you came from and what dynamics were influencing you as you were growing up. We can use the genogram to discover patterns in your family history that might be negatively affecting your current situation. Also in the first session, you have the opportunity to find out about my approach as a therapist. I will tell you about the techniques I use, and you are free to ask any questions you have about the process.

Couples and Family Counseling

I consider myself primarily a family systems therapist; that is, my conceptualization of the situation is based on the dynamics of whatever systems you are or have been a part of — the primary and most powerful system being, for most of us, the family of origin.

In couples, the focus begins on the relationship: your shared vision of life together, what’s good, what’s not so good, and where compromise is possible. We might work on communication techniques that will help you discuss problems that come up and share your feelings calmly. I can help you identify patterns in the way you relate to each other. As in individual work, a good history is important. We can look into the history of the relationship itself, the families you both came from, and your individual experiences to determine what might be causing problems under the surface.

In my view, there are three levels at work in the relationship. Two of these are fairly obvious and you are probably aware of them on a conscious level. The first is the underlying bond of affection and commitment you share. The second is the negotiations of daily life — who does which chores, how decisions get made, and so on. The third element is often less obvious, and is probably the cause of many of the most difficult problems. It’s what is called, in the popular lingo, baggage; that is, all the unresolved issues from childhood, all the false beliefs about yourself, all the unconscious expectations of each other and of the relationship, all the hidden hurts and defenses. With the support of each other, the work you can do on this hidden layer can be very powerful. We will get a sense of what’s going on in all these areas and determine the best way to proceed to a mutually satisfying relationship.

When the whole family is involved, powerful changes can occur. We begin to see how each family member affects the group and how the dynamics of the group affect each individual. We can point out the role and function of each person and see how to “soften up” the rigid structures that might be keeping the family locked in the old dysfunction. We then go on to talk out any conflicts and make conscious decisions about the new rules the family will live under. When everyone is heard, great progress can be made and the whole family can be supportive of the changes.


The Enneagram is the richest and most powerful method of personality analysis and self-growth that I’ve ever come across. It is a system of nine personality types, based on the ways we cope with the world and find our place in it. Growing out of the work of George Gurdjieff, a self-taught mystic and seeker, and the application to psychology by Oscar Ichazo, Claudio Naranjo, and others, the Enneagram system is rooted in a spiritual philosophy that seeks the return to the essential self. In childhood, we develop habitual reactions to perceived threats. These reactions become irrational thought patterns that drive our behavior even when no threat is present. The Enneagram groups these patterns into nine recognizable roles we unconsciously create for ourselves. By identifying our type, we can recognize the patterns that are keeping us stuck, and work to free ourselves of their destructive impact.

The Enneagram is a complex system with a scope both broad and deep. The nine types are intricately linked in the Enneagram symbol, and within each type are innumerable variations depending on the influence of nearby and related types. When you identify your type, you will recognize your own basic fears and desires, your false beliefs and expectations, your strengths and challenges, your ways of relating to other people, and so much more. Being aware of how your needs manifest themselves in learned behaviors and noticing when you fall into dysfunctional behavioral patterns will allow you to enhance the positive and minimize the negative attributes of your personality.

Beyond working through your current problems, the Enneagram can guide you to higher spiritual and emotional growth. Within each type, the Enneagram system recognizes levels of development — a measure of our ability to stay in the moment, conscious and present. The ideal goal is to move up the levels of development within our type, move through the Enneagram on the path to integration, and eventually transcend our type, so that we have access to all nine divine attributes.

The lessons of the Enneagram are applicable in any situation — personal, social, work-related, or educational. If you decide not to follow through with therapy at this time, I urge you to look into the Enneagram as a means of change. There are many excellent books and websites on the subject.


Reiki translates from the Japanese as “universal life force energy.” As a Reiki practitioner, I am able to focus this healing energy and allow it to go where it is needed. With my client lying in a relaxed position, I use my hands to channel and focus Reiki, which generally works through the seven primary chakras, or energy centers, of your body. My Reiki work is enhanced by the use of meditative music and an acoustically vibrating lounge chair.

I offer Reiki as an independent healing service and as an addition to the psychotherapeutic process. As part of psychotherapy, I have found Reiki particularly valuable when there is a physical complaint, when talk therapy and EMDR aren’t opening things up, or when a client wants to take a break from intensive EMDR or other work. Reiki can bring about great changes, harnessing unlimited healing energy that often triggers key insights into clients’ situations. And whatever else is going on, it is very relaxing and calming.

Past Life Regression Therapy

It is my belief that we are eternal and infinite in our energy. Call it spirit, soul, whatever term you like, you are much more than the physical being you have identified with. I believe we choose a path of growth that takes us through many, many lifetimes, and that, sometimes, leftover issues from a previous life can spill over into the current experience and cause problems. Past Life Regression Therapy can be a powerful tool in your healing journey.

Past Life Regression Therapy involves focused relaxation and guided visualization to visit other lives you might have experienced. You are not unconscious, but merely very relaxed. In this relaxed and open state, you are able to allow your intuitive mind to hold sway and your critical, conscious, logical mind to rest. You are fully in control throughout the exercise and follow my suggestions only as they are consistent with what you want and believe in.

Past Life Regression Therapy can help you identify the origin of problems and can offer the chance to rectify ancient traumas by reliving experiences as you choose them to be. Whether you see it as healing ancient wounds or as exploring deep-rooted issues, you return to the present moment with a deeper understanding of your being.

Intuitive Guidance

As I have become more and more comfortable as a therapist, I have noticed that I am often channeling energies beyond my own. I am often aware of spiritual guides or protectors and sometimes family members in the room with us. As a result, I have added intuitive readings to my services. The following options are available either in person or by email.

Ask any question, and I will channel a brief response. The answer usually amounts to a paragraph or two, and can be very enlightening on the topic at hand. $25

For those who desire more guidance, I offer full Tarot readings. I use the Tarot deck in a non-traditional way as a focus for channeling spirit. I go by what the cards look like to me, more than their traditional meanings. For a full reading, it is best to keep your question general, for example:

Where should I focus my energy for the next year?
What do I need to know to help me in this relationship?
How will I find my true life’s passion?


Brief Solution-Focused Therapy

Brief solution-focused therapy is a here-and-now and future-oriented approach. Together we clarify problem areas, look at what solutions have worked or not worked for you, and map out a clear picture of the desired changes. You leave with a definite plan and concrete steps to take toward your goal. These techniques are often especially helpful when there is no major trauma in your past and you are simply “fine-tuning” your life. They can also be applied in some aspects of deeper psychological work. Brief therapy is not my primary mode of therapy, but it’s a rich field from which I frequently draw ideas.

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New Moon Counseling

©2024 New Moon Counseling | Austin, Texas | (512) 773-6049 | Email Katherine

Austin, Texas
(512) 773-6049
Email Katherine

©2024 New Moon Counseling